

I am proficient in a wide range of sound equipment, however I mainly use a Zaxcom recorder and wireless, giving me extra flexibility and dynamism through its fully integrated system. 


Zaxcom Nomad

Through 'Zaxnet', this powerful machine can send control commands as well as wireless time code and audio ensuring all devices on set are completely in sync


Zaxcom Wireless

The TRXLA radio mic transmitter changed the game by introducing on board recording. This function has given me the ability to record audio of the highest quality in adverse conditions that previously would have not been possible.

Frequency and gain settings on radio mics can also be controlled remotely from the Nomad, meaning once a mic is rigged there is very little need to change anything interfering with the contributor/ talent.

DJI Inspire 2 with X7 "El Sagar"

DJI Inspire 2 with X7 Camera

This drone package is all any high end production would ever need. The X7 has a 35mm sensor and shoots at as many K as you could ever need!